A Wonderful Day At Naseem Park

The Ami Goenkar celebrated the Eid al Fitr with a get together at the Naseem Park. The throng and the vibrant atmosphere at the park made it a fitting picnic-perfect spot.
The gleeful kids were busy playing their games while grownups had their own share of fun playing and reviewing the rules of the long forgotten typical Goan village games: Logorio, Koida Bhall…
Altogether it was a splendid and memorable outing. The main focus of the event was to bring the members of the Goan community together in a spirit of friendship.
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The community would also like to thank the management and hardworking employees of the Naseem Park who keep it the beautiful green.

Enjoying their rendition of garden -- grown out of straws!

Growing  -- for the future!


Taking a stroll -- with his head!


  1. AGM kids are rooting for some fun as soon as the exams are over. I suggest we decide on the fun rides at amusement park. Also AGM adults can have a small get together there itself - AGM Member

  2. Excellent suggestion... Y don't u find a sponsor 4 the event -- another Amg member


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